Zentrum für Integrierte Quantenwissenschaft und -technologie (IQST)

Aus Wissenschaftsstadt Ulm
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Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89081 Ulm
Allman­dring 3
70569 Stuttgart


Datei:Uni ulm building.png
Universität Ulm (Ost)

At IQST, we advance the under­stand­ing of nature and develop innov­a­tive technolo­gies from funda­men­tal quantum physics. We do this by stimu­lat­ing, expand­ing and support­ing syner­gies between physi­cists, chemists, engineers, and life scien­tists at the Univer­sity of Stuttgart, Ulm Univer­sity and the Max Planck Insti­tute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart.

About IQST

IQST is currently funded by the Carl Zeiss Founda­tion, Ulm Univer­sity and the Univer­sity of Stuttgart. It is a member of the Quantum Alliance, a consor­tium of German Clusters of Excel­lence and research centres working in quantum science and technology.

Quelle: https://www.iqst.org/ (05.04.2023)